I just happened to look up from my homework for a second to notice that the previously sunny sky is now hailing down pinprick sized snowballs. The wind is fierce. The trees are shaking to hold their ground. I'm reminded of the W. C. Fields film clip that my sister and I incessantly quote in the winter:
W.C. stands before the wooden door of a cabin, bravely ready to open it, and announces:
Not fit for MAN nor BEAST!
He then quickly opens the door only to be blown away by the whipping winds and snow.
(Cue raucous laughter from Linds and me...)
I mean, seriously! I remember the Halloween blizzard of 1991, but it's only the 11th of October. Ooh. Wait. Hold the phone. Er, um, or the blog post. Now the sun is peaking out from behind the clouds and there are patches of blue sky again. That's psycho Minnesota weather for you. Hmm...although in a strange Shakespearean or Chekhovian way, it's strangely reflective of my life for the past few weeks....
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