Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I survived!

Dear readers-who-have-not-forsaken-my-blog-from-lack-of-postings-this-semester,

I am thrilled to let you know that I have officially survived my first year of grad school!!! I am feeling a little delirious this morning after having turned in my last paper yesterday afternoon. My list of things-I-really-want-to-do-and-have-been-putting-off-for-the-past-5-months is overflowing and I feel like a kid on Christmas, not sure which toy to play with first. I think my day may start with a chocolate croissant and latte, and could include a movie at a theater (what's that?) and some organizing and maybe even scrapbooking.

This month and next will still be busy - I'm Stage Managing a show for Mu that we'll be taking to NYC, so that will occupy my evenings and weekends from May 22-June 25; I have a bunch of meetings this week in preparation for next year's Xperimental Theatre season at the U (which my friend Rachel and I are co-Artistic Directing); there's the international PTO (Pedagogy of the Theatre of the Oppressed) conference at the U at the end of May-beginning of June that I'll be involved in; not to mention research projects, baptisms, graduation parties, and prep for teaching and exams next fall. But, that being said, I should still have more free time, especially in July and August, and I can't wait to catch up with you all!

Thanks again so much for bearing with me this year and for your love and support!

I am hoping, now that I have a bit more time, to do some retro-active posting about the year. So, check back!

Yay summer!


At 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Stephanie! I've got to turn in a final on Wednesday, and my students take their final on Friday. But, it's all downhill from here...


At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.


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